R E - G A T H E R I N G   P L  A N

|  P H A S E   O N E  |

B E G I N N I N G  J U N E  6 T H  &  7 T H

SUNDAY  9AM + 10:30AM


If you have underlying health issues or concerns about returning to our in-person worship gatherings, we will continue to offer our online worship services. Also, we are recommending everyone to wear masks during our initial gatherings. Please bring your own masks (We will have extra masks available if needed).

Cleaning | Sanitizing:
- Doors will be opened to limit touching surfaces
- The facility will be sanitized before and after each worship gathering
- We will provide touch-free sanitizing stations in the foyer and worship room
G A T H E R I N G   G U I D A N C E

Attendance: The worship room is set-up to allow for social distancing protocols, which means we will limit attendance in each worship gathering to 80 people. We will provide an overflow room with a live video feed for an additional 20 people if needed.

Nursery, Children’s and Student Ministry: In our phase one re-gathering, we will not offer any on-campus nursery, children’s or student ministry activities at our weekend worship gatherings. We ask that you use this time to worship and sit together as a family.

Personal Interaction: While we will be excited to see each other, we ask that each person respect social distancing measures; therefore, no personal contact between attendees (Handshakes - hugging, etc…)  a friendly smile and wave will suffice. **Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before our worship services begin.

Entrance and Exit: Please enter the building through the front doors and make your way to the worship room. We are discouraging “gathering” in the foyer area prior to the worship gathering starting.  After the completion of the worship service, we ask that you exit the two doors to the north of the worship room into the parking area.  (Please do not exit through the foyer doors).

Seating: The worship room will look different; our “cluster” of seats are at least six feet apart. We ask that family units sit together and that you not “adjust” the chairs unless absolutely necessary for your family.

Offering: We will not “pass the plate.”  Offering will be taken digitally (Church web-site or App) or through the offering boxes as you exit.

Refreshments / Drinks: We will not offer any refreshments or drinks at this time.

We are looking forward to being able to hold our public worship gatherings again.  Please be in prayer as we move forward in our mission to Know Christ and Make Him Known.  We believe the best days are still to come!